We provided a full range of services during the COVID-19 pandemic, and although we are hopoefully now over the worst of the virus, continued proffesional cleaning is still as important as ever to contiune to combat COVID-19 and all other spredable illnesses.
Our general cleaning services have always and continue to use high quality and safe disinfectants to clean all touch surfaces across our sites including areas such as handrails, doors, intercom systems, desks, and light switches. This is a vital practice for any professional cleaning service, COVID or otherwise.
Our surface cleaner has been scientifically proven to kill 99.9999% of bacteria, virus and pathogens and has been scientifically tested to be effective against coronavirus. It also remains active on treated surfaces, keeping surfaces virus and bacteria free for up to 7 days between cleans. Not only is it extremely effective it is non harmful, safe for our staff to use and is even safe to use on direct food preparation surfaces. This ensures all our customers are getting the best possible protection from our cleaning.
Our services therefore effectively reduce the risk of viruses (and all other pathogens) from being transferred across touch areas at our sites and we are reducing the risk of transmission, helping to protect our staff and the residents and personel at our sites.
Deep Cleans
We are able to offer a full deep clean of areas if this is required due to known contamination, ilness or any other situations where a deeper clean is required and this can include ULV Fogging (click here for further details).